Interceding Together while Physically Apart
Though it may separate us physically, the Covid-19 crisis sparks new ways to creatively connect virtually with each other, with God in unison, and with the sacredness of our own bodies through Intercession with Movement. All of these are helpful now as we face an indefinite period of disembodied communication, and, with restrictions on travel and closing of businesses, potential dormancy of own bodies.
Intercession with our Bodies

Palms Up, Palms Down Prayer
Author and Worship Ministry Pastor, Jody Thomae (see link below), suggests one way to do this with “Palms Up, Palms Down” movement.
This can easily be done together online, even as part of an online worship service.
A leader might invite the congregation participating online to stand at home, then follow a process similar to this.
1. Invite them to relax and get into a prayerful attitude for a moment. Then ask them to open their palms, at waist height, facing up.
2. Invite them to imagine the situation or the people they want to intercede for, their losses, putting themselves in their shoes. Feel the weight of what those people might be going through in their own palms. The leader may want to speak some things out, or invite people to speak out their prayers.
3. Then direct them to turn their palms down and release that weight completely, not retaining it in themselves.
4. With palms still down, pray for God’s blessings on those people or situations. Take a moment to imagine God’s answers to their prayers.
5. Then turn palms up again, and bend down and scoop up that person or situation, and lift it to God as a prayer of intercession, releasing it fully to him. Spend a few moments releasing and worshiping while your hands are raised.
This exercise can be done multiple times consecutively for individual prayer requests, a single time for several requests together, or any way you like.
God created us as beings who need spiritual and physical nourishment and attention, and who crave connection with him and each other. This crisis is just another opportunity to discover creative ways that God will not only fulfill our needs, but enable us to bless others through our actions.
Over the next weeks CreativeChurchArtsIdeas will offer multiple ideas for online arts ministry and creative online church services. Subscribe to be updated on new releases. And as always, if you have a creative arts ministry project, practice or idea to contribut, please contact us HERE.
25 Creative Church Ministry Ideas During Covid-19 • CREATIVECHURCH ARTS IDEAS
[…] Get Bodies Involved. Prayerful Movement helps us process and […]
A List of 25 Creative Ideas for Ministry During the Covid-19 Pandemic - J Scott McElroy
[…] Get Bodies Involved. Prayerful Movement helps us process and […]